Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Neophyte Post

Okay, I am new to this gardening thing, so I thought - hey, now I have something to blog about! I was starting to feel really behind the times without my own blog! I could blog about my job, but someone may read it, and I'd like to stay employed.

My neighbor, the French Tart that she is, inspired me to start growing my own herbs, and now my gardening interest has spiraled out of control. My hubby may even say its borderline OCD! Well, I need something to get OCD about, don't I? He is not complaining, though, because now I am taking an interest in the yard. He's a golfer. Grass - enough said. He even cut down trees in our yard so we could grow better grass.

I am very lucky because my little green house already has some beautiful flowers and shrubs in it. The woman who owned the house before us had the whole green hand. It has been years since the house was purchased, so there is quite a bit of maintinance and renewal work to start on.

My projects:
1. Make new beds for flowers and foods
- I have potted my herbs, berries, peppers and 'maters, but they will eventually need to be moved to a bed.

2. Plant new rose bushes in new front bed (that needs to be worked on)

3. Start composting! This is one of my favorite things about the garden. RECYCLE that goodness back to earth (Yes, FT's Boy calls us his hippies, but we are far from perfect examples - we eat meat!) I have A LOT to learn about compost!

4. Plant sunflowers

5. Plant hydrangeas that are being rooted by my mom-in-law from her bushes

more to come....

I'll post some pictures tomorrow!

1 comment:

french tart said...

yay! new blog! i'll be sure to post often.