Thursday, March 22, 2007

Gypsy Rose: Part I

I left school yesterday and headed to Lowe's. Not my favorite place, but I knew they had mushroom compost and black kow compost. Nobody there knows JackSHIT about anything! They drive me up the wall. Well, I don't know anything about anything either, but at least I don't try to work in a GARDEN CENTER!!! Oh, and I also wanted to price the green wheelbarrows, and I picked up a pitch fork. (Very Then I got on GA400 to drive ONE exit to get to Pike's, but it took me 20 minutes. I really am glad I don't have to commute to work daily! At Pike's I picked up some sunflower seeds and a raspberry bush (but I'll get to them later).

I headed home, borrowed the World's Greatest Shovel from Carophi and Uncle Fos, plus their wheelbarrow since I didn't get one at Lowe's. I wandered around the yard for a while assessing my damage and trying to figure out where to begin. So I headed to the in-laws to borrow tools. My pop-in-law has every tool known to man. Literally. Some of them come in duplicates. He has a wrench the size of a baseball bat! Why, because he CAN. :)

I headed back home and decided to NOT turn on the gas tiller without the hubby home. I tend to injure myself, and I'd like to keep all my body parts in tact, thankyouverymuch! Instead, I formulated a list, and focused on the rose beds I am planting. Yay! I really love roses. They do well in our yard, and I love keeping them in the house. The more you prune, the more roses you get. That's a shot of the front - before style.

I dug out the beds, added soil, added compost and watered. I already have three rose bushes to plant, but I don't know if all three will fit in the space. I have a few thing to work around: the spigot, a pipe to the spigot and our termite control thingys. We also have got to fix our gutter or my roses will drown!

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