Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Law School Exam Update

Three classes down, two exams to go!  So far, I completed my research class a few weeks ago, and yesterday I had an in-class exam for Juvenile Law and turned in a final paper for my negotiation class.

I have a 24 hour take home exam that's going to be a beast.  Disability Discrimination. A huge area of civil rights federal law covering Section 504, the ADA (and the amended ADA), and IDEA. I need to turn it in by midnight tomorrow, so I need to start working on it pronto.  I'm an avoider like nobody's business. After that exam is complete, I have a four hour take home exam that should be pretty simple.

More to come. I'm sure I'll update some posts when I need a brain break from my exam.  I like listening to the Pretty Lights Pandora station when studying and writing.  It really keeps me going without being distracting.

I guess it's time to take the plunge...

Update:  24 hour take-homes give me insomnia!  I dozed off a little between 7:00 and 9:00 and had a dream that I couldn't find the correct document to upload and turned in my exam late! Stress!!! Now for a giant cup of coffee.

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