Thursday, December 6, 2007


What were you cooking/baking ten years ago?

1997 - hmmm....I was living in South Mississippi learning to make cajun food. Gumbo, fried turkey, etouffee

What were you cooking/baking one year ago?

Christmas candy!

Five snacks you enjoy:

string cheese
any cheese and crackers
sun chips
the cheese crakers with peanut butter inside
kashi granola bars

Five recipes you know by heart:

hippie tacos, baked ziti and my sauce, chili, beef stew, english toffee

Five culinary luxuries you would indulge in if you were a millionaire:

a chef! HA!

Five foods you love to cook/bake:

see the recipes I know by heart!

Five things you cannot/will not eat:

innards from any animal
brussle sprouts
anything with a spongy texture like mushrooms, but I will eat them sometimes

Five favorite culinary toys:

strawberry hullers from c and b
small food processor
wire strainer
salad spinner
my fold up electric griddle...great for the bus!

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